A Tribute to Paz Vega

A Thirstyrabbit Tribute to Paz Vega

A bit later than planned, but here it is – a little tribute of sorts to the lovely Paz Vega from the films featured here so far. This is my second tribute to the Andalusian goddess, but I thoroughly enjoyed making it all the same. The soundtrack is from my favourite Flamenco album featuring a virtuoso by Johannes Linstead – I hope you guys enjoy this tribute as much as the music.

Download Link

Streaming version:

[stream flv=x:/thirstyrabbit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/A_Thirstyrabbit_Tribute_to_Paz_Vega.flv img=x:/thirstyrabbit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/A_Thirstyrabbit_Tribute_to_Paz_Vega.jpg embed=false share=false width=780 height=338 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false responsive=16:9 /]


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14 Responses to A Tribute to Paz Vega

  1. Sparda says:

    Hi ThirstRabbit,

    The Music is awesome and so is the compilation. Thanks for this post.

  2. Sparda says:

    And by the way, can you please provide a link to the Music Album???


  3. Tom says:

    thank you.
    Paz Vega a great and fantastic woman.

  4. HungryRabbit says:

    This is my second tribute to the Andalusian goddess
    Where’s the first, please?

  5. Ulysses says:

    Sorry to disturb again.
    Would it be possible to have another link on rs?
    It is rather awesome for megaupload here(I mean HK).
    Thanks A lot!

  6. El Granadino says:

    Dear Mr Thirsty – or is it Mr Rabbit??

    Your tribute to Snra Vega is a beautifully crafted clip. Obviously done with a lot of love, care and attention. You are to be applauded, and I applaud you.

    But as someone who lives amongst the gypsies of Granada (which I do), I feel compelled to say that the music is most definitely NOT flamenco, and somewhat detracts from the rest.

    The song form, the harmonies, the rhythms and even the instruments (its a balalaika and not even a guitar) are just wrong. I know it isn’t your music and you were trying to add some atmos, but I personally feel it doesn’t work. SORRY!!

    Having said all of that, you are doing a fantastic job with your classy site and please keep it up. Its a daily “must” on my list of things I do.

    • TR says:

      I appreciate your considered opinion Granadino. Certainly – it isn’t traditional flamenco but a fusion – the reason I chose it was the ease with which I could place film segments, and to give a general ambience for a non Spanish public.

      Even in the more traditional flamenco used in my earlier Spanish Cinema Tribute, I edited out some of the virtuoso and vocals. Much as I love flamenco (even having invested in shoes and taken lessons for a year), I just felt the need to tone it down for general world audience.

      But seeing there are some knowledgeable music fans also enjoying the blog, perhaps I’ll include a more traditional flamenco in my next Spanish tribute – a Carlos Montoya perhaps. Suggestions are welcome..! 🙂

  7. PM says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed it…..Excellent work as always……..Cheers

  8. norz says:

    Very nice video for a very nice woman, thanks a lot! 🙂

  9. Han says:

    TR: what an excellent tribute video! The music and editing you did made this beautiful actress fly off the screen of my TV. Just a great all around effort. Thanks!

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