Why this blog

A lot of us love cinema, and for some it is much more than mere entertainment. It is moving art on a grand white canvas – made by dream artists hidden from view. I’m fascinated by the dedication and effort that goes into making a film – whether it is from masters like Antonioni, Truffaut, Godard, Fellini or Medem, or from lesser talents (which I won’t mention), or even from fine directors who end up making rubbish in order to pay their rent. It’s ALL cinema..!

As artists, they entertain, tease, provoke, and challenge viewers using different strokes and brushes. And nudity is one of the more striking among them – whether it is benign, provocative, sensual, or erotic, its impact cannot be underestimated. European and Latin American films have applied nudity differently from Hollywood for various reasons. Let’s talk about them – after all, this site isn’t all about the film makers, but the… err… nudity.

Let’s review some of the films from Europe and Latin America that contain nude scenes. These days, film makers are circumspect when it comes to nudity, and often use it as last resort in their narrative, so there is a valid reason to discuss these scenes if and when they occur.

Whilst we have to live with the fact that there will always be more instances of female than male nudity in films – I will try to document to the best of my ability both the sexes, male and female, young and old, attractive and the ordinary, to give a fairly neutral interpretation of how they fit into a film’s narrative. Rest assured it won’t be dull or academic either, more like a cinephile’s rave, reviewing both the film and the relevant scene, and by placing them in context rather than ogling nudity for its own sake, which could be misleading. Nude scenes, irrespective of their artistic merit, are very often a collective interpretation, by not just the director, but also the actors, writers and technicians – every one of them contribute to what we eventually get to see.

This site will also act as a poster board of sorts for independent and budding film makers – a place to publicise their work, and inform readers where their films can be seen and/or DVDs purchased.


36 Responses to Why this blog

  1. Mark says:

    I absolutely love this site. You’re doing an incredible job! May I ask what software you’re using to create your video clips and screen caps?

  2. TR says:

    Thanks. I use a variety of video tools depending on what needs to be done, including AVS Video Converter, AVIDemux, Super, and Adobe Premiere. But I always finish it off in VirtualDub. For the moment, screen caps are taken from Media Player Classic and put together as a single graphic in good old PhotoShop.

  3. PAC says:

    Who is the woman on the beach photo?

  4. Vero Rivera says:

    I love your webpage. You are doing something that nobody does. My
    question is where do you get these pictures? A lot of these pictures I
    can not find or get. Is there a website where I can download them?

    Thanks a lot

    • TR says:

      As some others have asked before, the purpose of this blog is not for sharing entire movies. It is to popularise the films by sampling them, but more importantly, to talk about cinema. As you may have read in many of my posts, the samples were cut from the original DVD’s from my collection.

      I am however considering placing a link to buy the film where I find good deals going. Vendors out there who stock any of the films featured are welcome to get in touch with me.

  5. Sandro Spinoza says:

    I have read that the films you review are from your personal collection, how did you acquire them, and I wanted to know if you belong to a film group. Also, if not, how do you come to know about all of these films.

    • TR says:

      A bit surprised by the question, but if it helps, it is all about seeking the best deals out on the Internet. The films featured here are but a fraction of my cine interests, many films you buy for its director or reputation, not even knowing whether there may be nude scenes in it.
      I don’t formally belong in any film club these days, some of my friends however get together once a month to watch and discuss films.
      How do I get to know about these films..? Follow filmography, releases on IMDB, and also useful are the recommendations under each film page, some of which take you on a serendipitous voyage..!
      In short – explore, my friend..! 🙂

  6. PCNemy says:

    Tell us a little bit about yourself but you don’t necessesarily need to tell us your name or address. Just where you’re from and where you currently recide, languages you speak etc.:)

    • TR says:

      Oh I’m just one of those Brits who isn’t as paranoid over Europe as the rest. A Londoner who loves the city’s vibe and diversity. A lazy graphic designer, lousy stage actor, and an enthusiastic but flawed salsero. Trying to learn Flamenco (’tis hard). I can follow Spanish and Italian, and to a much lesser extent French and German. The rest (barring English, of course) require subtitling. There you go..!

  7. Leo says:

    Wonderfull! Amazing!
    i have found a unical erotic collection, that never could find in internet ever. Thank You!

  8. Renato says:

    Hi! I’m from Brazil and loved the site. The quality of images, the texts and the excerpts chosen are the best! Thanks for the great job.


  9. Rail Voyager says:

    Hello, I’m from Greece and I find this site a very original idea. Keep up the good work !!!

  10. rafa says:

    Me gusta mucho su página, gran trabajo. Permítame que le recomiende una actriz española: Verónica Sánchez. Gracias.

    • TR says:

      Hmm – why not indeed… it’s frustrating to get hold of the DVD’s you’re after, and you give up after a few searches.
      If you (or anyone) know of vendors specialising in Brazilian/Portuguese DVD’s, let us know.

    • Nero says:

      Well, to be a little polemic, Brazil (and Italy as well) has not produced any movies of significant interest for several decades, and when it comes to nudity, they are afraid of their bodies in a very strange way. For a non-brazilian you might think they are laid back on the issue, because of the carnival, the bikinis on the beaches, but if you somehow should discover only a little glimpse of the corner of a tit, it ends up front in the tabloids. They don’t have newspapers 😉

      The fact, that visualization on screen in the BRIC countries (not to forget the rest of the world…) only is about keeping the crowds drowned in stupid infantile dreams about reaching a higher level of consumerism, while their real lives is wasted on poverty and suffering from real cultural food, that could initiate some kind of demand for equality or at least a little shorter distance between top and bottom of the society.

      In an environtment like this – how could there be anything worth watching from Brasil?

      Almost 200.000.000 inhabitants => cultural enlightment => POOR!

      So why am I in this negative mood? Because when you watch (don’t do it, ever) the major channel in primetime in Brasil, you will witness a “novela”, which is a soap in portuguese, and though they claim there is a new one starting about once a year, it is hard to see the difference from what you saw yesterday. It is hard to see, and I don’t, but it is terrifying to know that millions of brazilians actually watch it on a daily basis, and this is what they eat down there in prime time.

      • TR says:

        I can see you’ve poured your heart out after a bad day. Obviously you care about the state of affairs there and elsewhere, but if it helps cheer you up and re-jig your memory, even for a foreigner I can remember a handful of Brazilian classics like Casa de Areia (2005), Cidade de Deus (2002), Lavoura Arcaica (2001), the very erotic Gabriela, Cravo e Canela (1983), and some social observations like Nome Próprio (2007).

        I agree the present TV-soap culture perpetuates mediocrity, the same the world over. But Brazil and other important nations are brimming with ideas and it is only a matter of time before they burst out into the open. You’ve waited for decades – some more time shouldn’t matter in the larger scheme of things, I guess..! 🙂


  11. Thank you very much

    Te agradezco la entrada de nuestra película en tu magnífico blog.
    Raúl y equipo de ADMPEM.

  12. Thomico says:

    Hello TR,

    You’ve got comments and praises from almost all over the world but none from Asia as far as I have been able to see. So let me add an Asian voice to the choir. I am from Cambodia (I guess I’m the first one) and by chance I came across your awesome blog after a search on Google.

    Let me warmly congratulate you for the outstanding job you’ve done. There are countless sites dedicated to nudity in mainstream cinema, but none as yours. None that goes so deeply into details, none that shows so obviouly the desire to share.

    After visiting your blog, after viewing the pages, after reading your papers, I can’t help feeling like a voyeur. Not because of the contents (videos and picts you post) but because page after page, I can feel how long it took you to do it : screening the films, capturing still images, editing them in ol’ Photoshop, writing papers, putting together the scenes, editing them and enhancing them. And we, visitors, we just spend minutes to go through each item.

    Thumbs up and hats down.

  13. titilicious says:

    hey TR
    All I can say is I am so glad in epic proportions to have found your site. I was looking to download 2010 Mexican movie Año bisiesto (which i couldn’t unfortunately, i don’t think its anywhere on net for free) when i stumbled on your blog and oh boy! what a trip was that. I think I majorly needed something of this sorts being a huge sucker for global erotic movies and by the way I am a 20 something girl ( i guess not many here are of my age group) and oh yes I am from India (probably the first one here) so technically i think i am a minority of some sorts at such a place considering my age my gender and my nationality..lol…but that’s just me :d
    kudos to you

  14. TR says:

    Everybody is welcome..! 🙂
    The only thing expected here is a positive and grown-up attitude. It doesn’t even matter if you hold a different view on nudity and sexuality. And it should only be more stimulating if the opposite sex join in too..! 😀

  15. joudy says:

    thank you for your beautiful work..
    i wish you bring us also male nudity in cinema not only women nudity ..

  16. sarkar says:

    Excellent work that you are doing. Normally people are aware of nude scenes in only mainstream American movies. But there is a whole world of excellent movies / nude scenes in European cinema. Your blog gives us access to that. Also your skills as an editor in putting together the clips (not to mention the screenshots) are amazing. Thanks for all your efforts. Highly appreciate it.

    BTW, I also like Luisa Ranieri whose photo you have put up at the top of the site. She is a wet dream, really.

  17. sexyjithu says:

    hi TR ,
    I am an Indian of 22 yrs this site actually very beautifull which makes aware of all European films with nudity, but i have a suggestion can’t you extend this site with not only European movies but all the movies with nudity…..

    • TR says:

      I appreciate your comment, but I’m afraid your suggestion is irrelevant, as the reason for this blog is explained at the top of this page itself. I’m not a cataloguer of nude scenes from around the world, and neither do I have the resources nor interest in nudity for its own sake. The nude scenes highlighted here are incidental and a by-product of my main area of interest which is European and Latin American cinema.

  18. wahid says:

    this website is unique in its nature.

  19. Nooti says:

    Beautiful site..How to down load the video links posted on your site ? When I tried, it is taking me to an iLivid site and requesting to download the iLivid software, not sure how safe it is, so, want to check if there is any other way to download ?

    • TR says:

      Thank you. You should not have to download and install ANY software other than your standard video player like Media Payer Classic to view clips. I don’t know which host’s link threw the message – it might just be that the link had expired and it was some random ad that’d popped up. I can only advise that you install an ad blocker for your browser (like AdBlock plus) to prevent most of such ads from appearing.
      Also, in future please don’t post link-related enquiries in the comments column – send a message through the contact form instead, and they will be addressed directly.

  20. jimmy says:

    hi thanks for accept me in this website
    its looks interesting
    let me explore more

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