A Tribute to Marina Anna Eich

Wishing all you guys a Very Happy New Year..! 🙂

And why not we start the year with a celebration, to one of the most beautiful and multi-faceted actresses from Germany, Marina Anna Eich.

Apart from being a talented actress, she’s a film producer, spokesperson and PR Manager, and had been a member of the Jury at several film festivals. Through my interactions with her, apart from coming across as a knowledgeable and diligent professional, she strikes me as a genuinely kind and warm-hearted person. A beauty both on the outside and from within had to be celebrated, and even though this tribute may focus overtly on the physical in keeping with the blog’s theme, I had to say it had been a pleasure to get to know a person more than her characters reveal on screen.

The Tribute:
The compilation covers most of her films with WTP International:
Dann nenn es halt Liebe
The Dark Side of Our Inner Space
24/7 The Passion of Life
– Mein Traum oder Die Einsamkeit ist nie allein

The soundtrack is from Wolfgang Edelmayer’s awesome title, “Du fehlst mir sehr”, taken from his album “22/6”. I had run this tribute past Ms. Eich before posting it and her feedback has been quite positive, but let us know what you guys think as well… 🙂

Download Links:
Mirror 1 | Mirror 2


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6 Responses to A Tribute to Marina Anna Eich

  1. Lucky man!! Getting to interview Marina Anna Eich. Such a lovely lady. Marina Anna Eich looks very at home in the BDSM scenes in The Dark Side of Our Inner Space and 24/7 The Passion of Life. 😉

    • TR says:

      Lovely lady indeed.
      Yes, apparently they did quite a bit of research in BDSM and spent time in swingers clubs to get the hang of things for these films – in fact several scenes in 24/7 were shot in an actual swingers club.

  2. Goblin says:

    Great new year celebration TR. 😀
    Marina is lovely and I liked the music too even if I can’t understand a word.
    So have you got another film that you haven’t posted yet?

  3. Jazz Fan says:

    Awesome tribute rabbit…… I love your work.
    please make and post more when you can……!!! 🙂

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