Elizabeth Cervantes & Joana Rañé in “Volverás” [Spain, Mexico 2002]

I’ll finish the year with Antonio Chavarrías’ thriller, “Volverás” [Eng. Title: You’ll be Back]. While it is an engaging film that keeps your attention through, it will leave you a bit deflated towards the end. It is nevertheless, Recommended Viewing.

Amazon.com DVD Link

Ignasio is an aspiring architect – hoping to join his father’s firm one day, and has been offered a scholarship to further his studies in America. He invites girlfriend Claudia to come along but she’s undecided, weary of being dependent upon him. Ignasio bumps into elder brother Carlos whom he hadn’t seen in a few years. Carlos is now a washed up and down-on-luck gambler who just doesn’t know how to quit, and his Mexican girlfriend Marta is increasingly getting frustrated with him. The dynamic between Carlos and Ignasio is firmly established, as we see the elder brother had always enjoyed pushing Ignasio towards danger since childhood. The younger sibling meekly does whatever he’s asked to do, so he win his brother’s approval. Carlos is now in great debt with people hunting for him, and he decides to drag Ignasio too along the precipice.

Compilation: Elizabeth Cervantes and Joana Rañé

Elizabeth Cervantes & Joana Rane in Volveras

Feisty Joana Rañé and Mexican beauty Elizabeth Cervantes both shed their clothes in the thriller "Volverás".


Scene Guide:

  • Claudia joins boyfriend Ignasio in bed reluctantly at first, but soon becomes more enthusuastic. Claudia is played by Joana Rañé. Shame she hasn’t made that many films, but sure is worth checking out.
  • Ignasio meets Marta when he comes looking for his brother. One day Carlos passes out after a crazy night, and Marta vents her sexual frustration with Ignasio. Marta is played by Mexican beauty Elizabeth Cervantes.

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2 Responses to Elizabeth Cervantes & Joana Rañé in “Volverás” [Spain, Mexico 2002]

  1. Robin says:

    Indeed a very thoughtful and great collection. Is there any way I can download these particular scenes.


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