File-hosting Madness..!

One may find some compilation links not working. Having checked a few forums, I notice there’s a storm brewing in the file sharing world.

Nervous file hosts are either shutting down, gone AWOL, or banning uploaders as we speak. Some links/hosts will therefore not work, and we won’t know the full damage for a few days yet, and therefore there’s little point in me publishing alternative links at this time. Apparently this is all to do with an upcoming bill in the US relating to intellectual property rights.

I’m kinda glad that I recently started using several file hosts as opposed to leaving all in one basket, but despite that some files may inevitably be lost. If they do, please contact me through the form as opposed to requesting links through comments because I don’t want the blog to be overrun by such enquiries.

You’re welcome to contact me through the form to air views and suggestions on the way forward, because sooner or later I need to find an alternative viable way of running this blog. I’m also going to take it up with some of my friends and partners in the coming days.

As they say… watch this space..! 🙂


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