What little I’ve seen of films by Fernando Colomo were made in the 80’s – and by that yardstick, his 1998 film, “Los Años Bárbaros” [Eng. Title: Barbaric Years] has a far simpler storyline. Set in Franco-era Spain, a couple of college students are detained for writing inflammatory graffiti. They escape, thanks to two young American women, posing as their tour guides.
In the only nude scene in the film, one of the girls, Susan gets the sudden urge to go skinny-dipping in the Med early in the morning. And the rest of them including her friend Kathy follow. It is a funny scene, and most of the dialogue is in English, so you should be able to follow what’s going on. Susan is played by Allison Smith, and Kathy by Hedy Burress.

Hedy Burress & Allison Smith go skinny-dipping early in the morning in this 1998 film, "Los Años Barbaros".
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