Monique van de Ven in “Turks Fruit” [1973 Netherlands]

Paul Verhoeven’s 1973 wild romance “Turks Fruit” [Eng. Title: Turkish Delight] is considered by many in his country as the best Dutch film ever. And since I’m not Dutch, who am I to argue. I do however agree that it is a beautiful film, full of energy and vigour, and surprisingly, filled with tenderness. Surprising because the protagonist is an impetuous young sculptor who’s initially portrayed as someone reckless and insincere. But as the film unfolds his past, we empathise and perhaps even excuse his excesses.

The film is a semi-autobiographical account of a sculptor-writer, upon whose novel by the same name this film is based. It tells the story of a passionate sculptor, Eric, his past life, and his present. The film is actually quite moving towards the end, but irreverent, sexy and funny all the way through. It is very well directed, shot, and edited, and the performances by all the main actors are top-notch The film was also nominated for an Oscar under Best Foreign Language Film category, and could have won if not for François Truffaut’s “La Nuit Américaine”.

The Nudity: Monique van de Ven and Rutger Haur
As for the nude scenes in the film, they are considered among the all-time classics. Monique van de Ven, who plays Eric’s wife Olga, is a sight to behold – films like these just don’t get made nowadays. I’ve cut these scenes from an excellent quality DVD, and believe these may probably be among the best samples you can find today. If you do like these scenes, you’ll definitely enjoy the full film, and should be well worth your investment. Needless to say, Highly Recommended Viewing..!

Monique van de Ven and Rutger Haur nude in Turks Fruit

Monique van de Ven and Rutger Haur pull out all the stops in this nude-fest of a film, “Turks Fruit” aka “Turkish Delight”.


Compilation 1:
The film starts with a quick catalogue of Eric’s sexual conquests. They are wild, kinky, but mostly quite funny.

  1. Eric picks up a woman from a phone booth, and when she later asks for a ‘souvenir’, he obliges!
  2. He jumps into her car uninvited but somehow manages to bring her home. When she tries to take her top off, Eric asks her to put it back on and removes her panties instead – ostensibly to collect his ‘trophy’!
  3. Eric with a rather religious girl, and a banana (?)
  4. Very funny scene of Eric with a young mum.
  5. Eric complains about her fat arse and tiny tits – the annoyed woman spots a photo and enquires about it. When she makes a casual remark, he throws her out onto the street naked.
  6. Eric brings home a girl but changes his mind after seeing one of his sculptures.
various unknown from Turks Fruit

The compilation is of Eric's unusual conquests with various women in "Turks Fruit".

Compilation 2: Made from three ‘interesting’ and explicit nude scenes

  1. Eric falls in love with Olga the minute he lays eyes on her. He also seems to be obsessed with her bodily fluids – when she needed to use the toilet midway through cunnilingus, he asks her to pee in her mouth instead.
  2. They soon get married and Eric is annoyed at the frequent interruptions.
  3. Olga and Eric at the beach – sexy and funny.
Monique van de Ven in Turks Fruit

Monique van de Ven gives an uninhibited performance displaying ALL her charms in "Turks Fruit".

Compilation 3: Has four scenes

  1. Eric is commissioned to make a sculpture for a hospital for which he uses Olga as his model. During a break Olga rushes out from the toilet believing she has cancer, Eric returns after inspecting the contents in the toilet bowl (omitted in my edit) and reassures her it was just the beetroot she had yesterday. He gives her a clean bill of health by pinning her ass with a flower.
  2. The Queen is visiting to unveil his sculpture, but the hospital authorities notice Olga’s dress is revealing and try their best to keep them away from the Queen’s sight.
  3. Singing and dancing in the rain – the scene begins rather romantically.
  4. Olga’s mother had conspired to separate Olga and Eric. Eric sneaks into her room while she’s asleep and tries to make love, and the horrible woman barges in and pulls him away.
Monique van de Ven in Turks Fruit

Monique van de Ven and Rutger Haur pull out all the stops in this nude-fest of a film, "Turks Fruit".


Download Links:
Compilation 1 | Compilation 2 | Compilation 3


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