In the spirit of the season – “Disposta a Tutto” [1977 Italy]


It is that time of the year – to let your hair down and ‘go with the flow’ at office parties and so on. Of course, parties are not what they used to be like in the good ol’ days; understandable, when people are weary and worried about being laid off come new year. To cheer ourselves up a bit, let’s look back at the golden era of Italian beauties in cinema – the erotic 70’s – one that has never been and will probably never be paralleled anywhere again. Seldom have so many stunning actresses worked in cinema at any given time, all of them ready and willing to drop their knickers for camera, on demand. Agostina Belli, Ornella Muti, Laura Antonelli, Leonora Fani, Eleonora Giorgi, Gloria Guida, Jenny Tamburi – I’m only beginning to scratch the surface here – the list goes on…

What’s more – given a chance, these beauties could even act. Take Eleonora Giorgi for instance – it is plain to see that she thoroughly loves acting, even if her roles never quite got around to taxing the thespian in her apart from the cursory Dario Argento-scream or the drop-of-a-hat lip-pouting. She does pout her lips very well though! Shame this definitive feminine sexual signal can only be seen flashed by drag queens and burlesque artists these days. No wonder young men are one confused lot!

Eleonora Gorgeous nevertheless pouts her lips salubriously in Giorgio Stegani’s “Disposta a Tutto” [Eng. Title: Ready for Anything], a film whose negatives should otherwise have been safely recycled, for the storyline itself is a hotchpotch of random films from the era – it’s as if the film makers decided to insert whatever themes and motifs that caught their attention. I will not bother with a synopsis as that would mean giving the film more credit than it is due. However, Ms. Giorgi makes her lip-pouting presence keenly felt throughout the film, sometimes in various stages of undress, and it is only for her that this film is even worth a look-in. DVD Link
I’ve had this DVD in its shrink-wrap for several years, and in a way I’m kinda glad to have finally unwrapped it. The Nocturno DVD is a good quality remastered transfer, even if the colours are a bit inconsistent in some scenes – they were probably previously chopped-off bits that found their way into the DVD. There’s however no English subtitles in it, so if you’re after the story rather than Ms. Giorgi, you’d better brush up on your Italian first.


The Nudity: Eleonora Giorgi and others
Rest assured the film features Eleonora Giorgi’s various charms in frequent full-frontal glory – she plays Anna, a teenage stenography-student having an affair with Marco (Bekim Fehmiu), a clueless married man with a vaguely misogynist attitude.

Eleonora Giorgi in Disposta a Tutto

It’s the erotic 70’s, and gorgeous Eleonora Giorgi obliges with some memorable scenes of frontal nudity in the Italian drama, “Disposta a Tutto” aka “Ready for Anything”.


The utterly delectable Eleonora Giorgi..!

Eleonora Giorgi 1 Eleonora Giorgi 2 Eleonora Giorgi 3


Compilation: Eleonora Giorgi
There is nudity from one or two other actresses as well but this post is purely about Eleonora Giorgi, even if I have omitted at least two other nude scenes of hers from the film (don’t worry – they’re hardly worth a mention).

Eleonora Giorgi in Disposta a Tutto

It’s the erotic 70’s, and gorgeous Eleonora Giorgi obliges with some memorable scenes of frontal nudity in the Italian drama, “Disposta a Tutto” aka “Ready for Anything”.

Scene Guide:

  • Anna tries to prove that she’s willing to do ‘anything’ for her beloved philandering Marco, including some crude breast augmentation, mercifully stopped midway.
  • Followed by some ‘symbolic’ rose bush embracing and mud smearing (the scene that prompted me into purchasing the DVD in the first place).
  • Anna and Marco making love
  • Marco asks Anna to prostitute herself to prove her love (for him), and in the scene she narrates an incident with a bloke in the car. When he demands to see how much she was paid, he discovers that she’s made the story up after recognising the bill she shows – it was the one he gave her not too long ago, with his bank cashier’s initials on it.
  • Anna hints on a commitment and perhaps a baby. Marco listens to her with disinterest, but keeps playing with her pubic hair (Oh I love the 70’s)
  • Anna’s nosy neighbour and cousin interrupts their argument by knocking on the door and asking to borrow some sugar.

Download Links:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
(All parts required. Unpack with Winrar)


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One Response to In the spirit of the season – “Disposta a Tutto” [1977 Italy]

  1. irina says:

    Eleanora Giorgi is very beautiful, with her nice figure she brightens the darkest scenes of this compilation.

    I love when Marco plays with her pubic hair (I love the 70’s too). It’s a very intimate moment, it’s very arousing.

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