Oskar Roehler’s 2006 black comedy, “Elementarteilchen” [Eng. Title: The Elementary Particles] is a study of two half-brothers, each with a completely different character and outlook. Michael, the younger one is a successful scientist-chemist, while the elder Bruno, played by the brilliant Moritz Bleibtreu, is interested in nothing much apart from sex. He’s shallow, bigoted, and incapable of hanging on to a relationship, until he meets Christiane, a married woman going through separation, played by one of the lovely Martina Gedeck. He meets her for the first time at the nudist camp while she’s having sex with a boyfriend by the pool – and they instantly hit it off.
Mr. Bleibtreu won the Silver Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival for this film. But I was also impressed by the screenplay and direction – the way it succeeds in connecting us with all the main characters – it’s a shame the film didn’t win a Golden Bear as well. Highly Recommended Viewing..!
Scene 1:
This is a twisted but hilarious scene. Bruno recollects events from his youth to the exasperated psychiatrist – about how he got to see his hippy mum only during the summer holidays, her lifestyle, and how he got into the habit of jerking off thinking of his mum! Nina Hoss plays Bruno’s hot mum.
Scenes 2 & 3:
Bruno decides to take a vacation at a nudist camp. In the first clip, he’s awestruck by the nakedness in the camp, and makes some rather funny remarks along the way. The second clip is equally hilarious when he attends a massage workshop. They are both ‘visual’ scenes and don’t need any help with translation.
Scenes 4 & 5:
Christiane introduces Bruno to the swinging scene, and they get totally addicted. The first scene has not much nudity but erotic nevertheless as they meet a couple for the first time by the bar. The second is when Christiane suffers a seizure right in the middle of an orgy.
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The student girl he had fantasies about was hotter though