A quick facelift..!

It is about time I gave this site a facelift..! 🙂

The previous masthead was cobbled up in a hurry because I needed to put something there quickly. I feel the new masthead at least tries to give a fairer and more sincere interpretation of nudity in cinema. It’s an evolution of sorts – after all, a nude scene is one whether it is a male or female in the state of undress.

But nevertheless, let us know what you think, and what improvements could be made to the way the masthead looks. Do we even require an image there? Of course our views will be subjective, but that’s what makes them worth sharing. Don’t you think..? 😉


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13 Responses to A quick facelift..!

  1. martial eagle says:

    dear rabbit

    a small notice, why to put a male nudity in the home page picture …i think no need for it and better to be removed

  2. sauly46 says:

    Looks good,why be prejudice,why not male nudity,of course we men like
    beautiful women,but without men,nudity&sex will feel incomplete.

  3. Calvin2004 says:

    Looks good to me – as a bi guy appreciate the female and male nudity.

  4. sarkar says:

    IMHO, add whomever you want to the masthead but please never remove Luisa Ranieri from it. That woman’s body is perfection!

  5. Goblin says:

    Good idea, nice graphic….. I can see the emphasis is on cinema rather than nudity. Was it the other way around before or am I getting it mixed up with some other site? its also clear you’re trying to change the way people see your site (my PR background he he)!!!
    Does it mean we’ll start seeing gay themed movies as well? I have nothing against it as long as we still get our regular stuff 😉

    • TR says:

      Keen observation Goblin – yes the word nudity was more prominent in the old masthead. And PR did you say – I may need a bit of advice – shall I mail you?
      I’m not going to consciously seek parity viz. male and female nudity reviews (I hope not), merely write about things that I find interesting. Having said that, I had shied away from gay themes on some earlier occasions (“Rabioso Sol, Rabioso Cielo” is a fine example). That shouldn’t happen now. 🙂

  6. wetpillar says:

    I really don’t like men and it gets super frustrating for me when there is mostly male nudity in films and TV series. So if my opinion is worth anything keep male nudity at an absolute minimum. Anyway thanks for all the great work you’ve done so far.

    • TR says:

      Strong opinion there – even if I think you went a bit off-topic – it was about the new masthead design as opposed to the site’s actual content, which by the way is like asking a gallery not to display certain kind of artworks. Cinema (like any art) is meant to provoke feelings – and I’m only writing about someone’s art. 🙂

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