Whether or not we like the early works of Catalan director Bigas Luna, one thing we have to give him credit for is his determination to never pussy-foot around what he’s trying to say. There is no polite-talk, no ‘birds and bees’ euphemisms – he just drives home the message in a no uncertain manner, even crudely if necessary. His 1993 drama “Huevos de Oro” [Eng. Title: Golden Balls] may not be as testosterone-laden as his earlier film, Jamón Jamón, but is nevertheless all to do with ‘balls’!
Benito González is our man with the ‘golden balls’ – he’s a hilariously drawn caricature of your everyday Spanish stud. He dreams of becoming a property tycoon, building a high-rise tower with swimming pools and topless bars, owning gold Rolex watches, and trophy women ideally weighing less than 47KG (apparently because of the way he ‘moves’). To complete the picture, dear Benito also loves to sing along to cheesy tunes. I could’t help thinking I’ve seen at least a handful like him in my local pub on Friday nights – okay they might not particularly pick a Julio Iglesias song, a Tom Jones perhaps. After army service, he returns to mainland Spain to get working on his dream. He befriends a banker and marries his lovely and cultured daughter Marta (45 KG) to get his ‘González Tower’ started, whilst retaining girlfriend Claudita (52 KG) whom he occasionally uses to close deals with clients and partners. Marta soon catches whiff of Benito’s ongoing affair with Claudia and even ends up striking an unlikely friendship with her. The three of them live happily together until tragedy strikes and his fortunes are turned to the worse in the most spectacular fashion. Dumped by his wife, Benito will soon find himself in Miami, forced to share the waitress he brought along – Ana (don’t ask a woman her weight), with his gardener. Talk about a full circle..!
I simply can’t see Luna pulling this off without the astonishing talents of Javier Bardem who plays Benito – Bardem surely must share a fair chunk of the credit for Benito’s characterisation. The film is intentionally over-the-top, and meant to talk to people quite unlike Benito, which I’m sure it does splendidly – right from the choice of locations (Melilla in the Spanish territory of Africa, Benidorm in Spain, and Miami in the US of A), to the language used, and not least the focus on the construction industry (the bubble that has come to haunt Spain today), Luna has crossed all the t’s and dotted the i’s with panache. This may not be a cerebral film, but he has admirably pulled no punches in critiquing Spanish machismo, and for that reason, it is Recommended Viewing..!
Bigas Luna is a frustratingly enigmatic director due to his persistent inconsistency. Just as he can be sublime, imaginative, and unforgiving, he can also be found wanting. In these two scene snippets however, he has hit the mark remarkably well – the first is addressed directly to the audience about a possible mismatch between the couple, and the second visualises a surreal dream of Benito – who by the way has a fixation with Dali.
[stream flv=x:/thirstyrabbit.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Bigas_Luna-TR-an_acquired_taste.flv img=x:/thirstyrabbit.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Bigas_Luna-TR-an_acquired_taste.jpg embed=false share=false width=640 height=264 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]
Amazon.com DVD Link
My recommended DVD from the transfers currently available
The Nudity: Elisa Tovati, Maribel Verdú, Maria de Medeiros, and Raquel Bianca
OK, this is a nude scene classic, and for those who haven’t heard about the film can get a taster from my Nudity in Spanish Mainstream Cinema Tribute.

Bigas Luna’s critique of Spanish machismo “Huevos de Oro” stars Javier Bardem, and features Maribel Verdú, Maria de Medeiros, among others.
Compilation: Elisa Tovati, Maribel Verdú, Maria de Medeiros, and Raquel Bianca
Some scenes from the film have not been included – just an editorial choice.

Bigas Luna’s in-your-face critique of Spanish machismo “Huevos de Oro” stars Javier Bardem, and features Elisa Tovati, Maribel Verdú, Maria de Medeiros, and Raquel Bianca in supporting roles.
Scene Guide:
- Benito had ‘fallen in love’ with Rita (47 KG) – a waitress at a bar in Melilla, but who obviously seems to be drawn more towards his pal despite being promised a personal bath and bidet if she accompanies him back to mainland Spain. Rita is played by a curvy Elisa Tovati, and the pal’s woman by Stella Condorelli.
- After returning his hometown (alone), Benito meets and is drawn towards Claudia, even if she’s a few pounds above his ‘ideal’ woman. This is a long scene where Benito also asks her to sleep with his banker in order to get a loan approved. Maribel Verdú is fabulous, witty and sexy as ever as she plays the part of Claudia. If you can follow the dialogues, you’ll see the scene is actually quite funny.
- Benito weds Marta – daughter of his banker, she’s played by the lovely doe-eyed Maria de Medeiros. Culturally refined Marta couldn’t believe she’d married and even fallen in love with a bloke like him – but does it surprise anybody else..!
- Marta’s discovery of Benito’s affair with Claudia, followed by their outrageously forcible introduction by Benito, and an unexpected chemistry between the two women that results in a ménage à trois – this is possibly the most erotic scene in the film. What’s it about two women kissing that turn men on so much – I haven’t figured it out yet, and no sociologist or anthropologist has given me a satisfactory explanation so far!
- Marta has had enough with Benito after he brings in a trollop from a bar – Ana (she wouldn’t reveal her weight) is played by Raquel Blanca.
Download Links:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Duration: 18:15 mts | Size: 659MB
(All parts required. Unpack with Winrar)
What a great masterpiece,so many beauties in one movie,enjoyed very much
Thank You
Thank you 🙂
Fantastic, as always. I’ve seen the film in its entirety years ago, and I know the scenes you didn’t include. I have to say that I don’t think we’re missing too much in those scenes, the ones in this compilation are definitely the best in the film.
That said, it’s always a treat to see the absolutely beautiful Maribel Verdú (especially before her breast augmentation)
“…That said, it’s always a treat to see the absolutely beautiful Maribel Verdú (especially before her breast augmentation)”
I wasn’t aware of the augmentation, thanks for filling us in Benovan!
Perhaps the over-protective attitude towards her breasts in the film was a hint of what she’s about to do down the line..! 😀
Well, I’m not 100% positive, but you can definitely tell there is a difference from her earlier work and what they looked like in, say, Y Tu Mama Tambien. It’s a shame, really, because as we can see in this film, her breasts were already perfect.
esto es una mina de oro
Por haber estado ausente del foro por más de cuatro años, derivado esto por cuanto en mi lugar de trabajo no se podía acceder a Internet, deseo consultar si ha habido cambios en lo que respecta a la ausencia de comentarios y vídeos de muchos artistas españoles, cuyas últimas apariciones datan hasta donde he visto, del año 2012.
Los errores de sintaxis y gramaticales de mi consulta reciente, se originan en la traducción o cambios en vuestro servidor.