Gravity-defying romance: “El lado oscuro del corazón 2” [Argentina, Spain 2001]

Eliseo Subiela follows-up on the romantic drama he made a decade earlier with a sequel – “El lado oscuro del corazón 2” [Eng. Title: The Dark Side of the Heart 2]. He catches up with the same protagonist after ten years – Oliverio (played by a same, ten year older Darío Grandinetti), searching yet again for a woman who can ‘fly’, after the one he had who did – Ana (Sandra Ballesteros), takes flight literally to live with her daughter in Spain.

Frustrated at not finding a ‘bird’ – he could only manage ‘amphibians’ (Florencia Sabatella) and ‘glow-worms’ (Carolina Peleritti), Oliverio decides to go looking for Ana in Spain, and catches up with her in Barcelona. They’re glad to have found each other, but alas, couldn’t get off the ground when it mattered. Apparently they’d been looking back at their relationship rather than forward, ‘Time’ – in the form of a biker dressed in black reminds him. Oliverio will see the poster of trapeze artist Alejandra (Ariadna Gil) in flight, and falls madly in love. He pursues her through the country and eventually catches up in Sitges with the help of Time’s free ride.

Over these years, ‘Death’ (Nacha Guevara) hasn’t given up chasing Oliverio either, relentlessly following him wherever he goes. Since he can’t shake her off, he takes her in his stride and even starts treating her as a friend. After meeting a pretty but suicidal Alejandra, Oliverio will discover that the trapeze artist too is stalked by her own bolero-serenading ‘Death’ (Manuel Bandera). Oliverio has his work cut-out – he’ll have figure out a way of cheating his and Alejandra’s ‘Death’, but for that he needs to first win the heart of Alejandra – no easy task under the circumstances…

Subiela continues his esoteric meanderings from the earlier instalment with his typical poetic license to tell yet another love story, elegantly and in a feel-good manner. Non-pretentious while also trying to be artistic, it may be commercial heart-warming cinema, Argentinian-style – but it is still way better than what Hollywood churns out these days. Recommended Viewing..! DVD Link [NTSC]
Mine is an anamorphic PAL version that’s not in stock at the time of posting.


The Nudity: Florencia Sabatella, Carolina Peleritti, Sandra Ballesteros, and Ariadna Gil
For some reason, the first two names above are spelt differently in IMDB. In any case, the actresses appear briefly nude during their respective scenes as two of Oliverio’s exotic catches. Sandra Ballesteros even manages to look sexier than she did ten years earlier during a nude scene, and beautiful Ariadna Gil also appears briefly nude in one scene. There is also a voluptuous actress (uncredited) appearing in Oliverio’s dream, after he fails to ‘perform’ in bed on one occasion.

Florencia Sabatella, Carolina Peleritti, Sandra Ballesteros, and Ariadna Gil nude in El lado oscuro del corazón 2

Florencia Sabatello, Carolina Pelleritti, Sandra Ballesteros, and Ariadna Gil in Eliseo Subiela’s
“El lado oscuro del corazón 2” aka “The Dark Side of the Heart 2”.



Compilation: Florencia Sabatella, Carolina Peleritti, Sandra Ballesteros, and Ariadna Gil

Florencia Sabatella, Carolina Peleritti, Sandra Ballesteros, and Ariadna Gil nude in El lado oscuro del corazón 2

Florencia Sabatella, Carolina Peleritti, Sandra Ballesteros, and Ariadna Gil in “El lado oscuro del corazón 2”.


Download Links:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
(All parts required – unpack with Winrar)


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