Scenes from “Napoletans” [2011, Italy]

OK this is one of those entries that occasionally need to make their appearance here…

First-time director Luigi Russo’s comedy, “Napoletans” [Eng. Trans: Neapolitans] is a typical Christmas pudding, something that would never form part your staple, but just okay once in a while. It has those familiar ingredients that apart from inducing nostalgia, makes you think of seriously hitting the gym come new year. Nothing may be new here story or comedy-wise – it’s just an excuse to forget about the financial crisis for an hour and a half. I’m not going to bother with a storyline, all I’ll add is that part of the film’s plot is straight out of “L’Infermiera di Notte“. Now, let’s move on shall we…

Amazon DVD Link


Compilation: Francesca Ceci, Susi del Giudice, Margherita di Rauso, and Nina Senicar
There’s only brief nudity in the film, so I’ve included other typical goofy-sexy moments to spice up the compilation, entertaining nevertheless…

Francesca Ceci, Susi del Giudice, Margherita di Rauso, and Nina Senicar in Napoletans

Seasonal mayhem in the typical Christmas offering "Napoletans", in the form of Francesca Ceci, Susi del Giudice, Margherita di Rauso, and Nina Senicar.

Scene Guide:

  • Kids spying on their school teacher Tani, who also seems to be the object of the head teacher’s affections. Sig.ra Tani is played by Francesca Ceci.
  • Gennaro the dentist taking time off work to play one of his customary kinky games with mistress, played by Susi del Giudice. Here he’s the traffic policeman stopping a hapless motorist..! 🙂
  • The head teacher at a function gets a bit carried away dancing with Sig.ra Tani.
  • ‘Aphrodisiac’ gag coming up – Mrs. Gennaro mistakes hubby’s secret stash for herbal tea and suddenly becomes a ‘lioness’. Anna is played by Margherita di Rauso.
  • Angela is the night nurse employed to look after Gennaro’s ailing guest. A silly dog makes her spill coffee on herself (pantyhose alert), and she’s forced to take a shower. Little does she know that the youngest son had placed a camera in the bathroom just for such an occasion. Angela is played by Nina Senicar.
  • …and Angela just happens to be dating the eldest son of the household.
  • It appears all male members of the family is lusting after Angela – this time Gennaro himself fantasises while watching her cycle ahead of him on the road.
  • Frustrated at Gennaro not making it to their regular rendezvous point, the angry mistress comes looking for him at the surgery, and finding just his assistant, asks him if he likes what he sees. Oh well – you get the idea…

Download Links:
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3 Responses to Scenes from “Napoletans” [2011, Italy]

  1. martial eagle says:

    thanks a lot for ur usual art rabbit

  2. Border says:

    Thanks for this update, Nina is very hot! 🙂

  3. Legfan says:

    Yeah, love this great leggy clip.. always great.. thanks thirstyrabbit!

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