Belén Rodríguez in “Se sei così ti dico sì” [2011, Italy]

Eugenio Cappuccio’s commedia all’italiana “Se sei così ti dico sì” [Eng. Trans: I’ll say yes if it pleases you] is a feel-good comedy about grabbing life’s opportunities as they come. While it is nothing but light entertainment, it is nevertheless decently written and directed with adequate technical merit, and the performances aren’t too bad either.

Piero Cicala is a has-been pop star who’d had a single hit during the early 80’s. He’s now a chef in what once was his, but now ex-wife’s seafood restaurant in his home town. A TV executive comes looking for Piero to make him appear on a nostalgic TV show called “The Best Years”. After some deliberation he accepts, provided the producer pays him an additional fee. Just as he opens the door to his assigned hotel suite in Rome, supermodel Talita Cortes who had also booked at the hotel enters his room to escape from paparazzi. She instantly makes herself at home leaving Piero to occupy the bathroom. But after she watches him on TV, she develops a liking for him, and asks him to accompany her to the US for the weekend for her girlfriend’s birthday, promising to introduce him to some important people at the party. As he gets to know more about the business savvy Talita, he begins to re-evaluate his life’s choices as well. The film has an open ending allowing for possibilities, however far-fetched. DVD Link


Compilation: Belén Rodríguez
There’s only brief nudity in the film, but Belén Rodríguez who plays Talita is sexy as hell in it, so I’ve included some of the best bits as well.

Belen Rodriguez in Se sei così ti dico sì

Some of the best bits of sexy Belén Rodríguez from the Italian comedy, “Se sei così ti dico sì”.

Scene Guide:

  • Talita exercising while on the phone, giving some nice upskirt which doesn’t escape Piero’s attention.
  • Piero is again given a nice view as Talita changes. She asks him if he likes what he sees – he awkwardly mumbles his approval.
  • Talita watching a gossip show suggesting that Talita and Piero are possibly now an item, living together in the same suite. We get a tantalising glimpse of Ms. Rodríguez’s Argentinian assets as she prepares to head into the shower.

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2 Responses to Belén Rodríguez in “Se sei così ti dico sì” [2011, Italy]

  1. morrocoy says:

    Very nice site
    I also have a huge collection

    “Se sei così ti dico sì” [Eng. Trans: I’ll say yes if it pleases you]
    is wrong, correct translation sounds more like “I’ll say yes to you if you are this way”

    • TR says:

      Thanks morrocoy – glad to hear from another film buff. 🙂
      As for the title – you’re probably right. I gave up after a while trying to give a title that actually makes sense in English – I was hanging on to that para for too long. I’m sure there could be a better way to say that in English.

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